What is a Cosmoline? - Definition from Corrosionpedia Forget the other 'dangerous processes'boil with water, and you're good-as-new! Go check them out at Oldsteelguns.com! cosmoline, best way to remove it??? - sawmillcreek.org It's also called "dry chemical". I have seen both commercial and military rifles that sat in closets unprotected for many decades that didn't have any wood issues, some rust speckling on metal, but good wood. While really bad cosmoline build-up might require a few steps further than a field stripping for whatever rifle youre working on. Cosmoline doesn't penetrate the wood like most stock finishes unless its areas where its flaking. The process is very dirty. Many gunsmiths actually use it to cure or set a freshly blued gun. You may find the cosmoline caked on the stock, gumming up the receiver and bolt carrier, plugging up the bore, and covering the internal parts of the firearm. This product hasn't received any reviews yet. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Luckily, cosmoline melts at anywhere between 115-125 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray part again and set aside to air dry. And as if that were not enough it came from a heaver smokers home seemingly as everything, cosmoline, dirt, and grime were shellacked with thick coating of nicotine. After hours of scrubbing, you will eventually remove the majority of Cosmoline from the gunbut you cant stop with that. Place parts covered in Cosmoline into the bath. Drench them in it, let them sit, then rinse them out. You have the option to disassemble your firearm before beginning this process or keeping it intact throughout the cleaning process. I used WD40 to cut the cosmoline on some Yugo Mags. So if you need to store your firearms long-term and protect them from moisture and corrosion, multiple options are available. Although, today, there are many rust-preventative oils and greases that are cleaner and will do an as good, if not better, job. Like this kind of content? After peeling, they leave a greasy film for continued corrosion protection. Hang the parts from metal coat hangers and lay out a piece of plastic to protect the floor. Once youve got your barrel and receiver assembly cleaned up, you can check on your sweaty wood bois and see where theyre at. But on the wood I wipe the excess then use a hair dryer and wipe as it sweats. Also, older cosmoline tends to solidify when exposed to air for a long time, making it hard to remove. no crazy cleaners, no toxic chemicals, no complicated setups. A dry film of it on the mags isn't going to hurt anything. This can cause hang fires or, worse yet, negligent discharges. Heat is an extremely effective way of removing cosmoline. This is one of the few times I will recommend WD-40 for working on guns. This post is brought to you in collaboration with Old Steel Historical Firearms, located in Littleton, Colorado. hey thanks for this information. After his military service, he attended the Colorado School of Trades(CST) in Lakewood, CO for gunsmithing. It worked so well that I took pictures and video of the last small cosmoline section of metal I had to clean. Let the bolt assembly soak for awhile to make sure all the Cosmoline is boiled out. JavaScript is disabled. Here are the best content compiled and compiled by the mobitool.net team, along with other related topics such as:: will acetone remove cosmoline, cosmoline removal hot water, cosmoline removal wd40, cosmoline in barrel, cosmoline gun grease, sks cosmoline removal, will ballistol remove cosmoline, removing cosmoline with heat gun. A coat of Goo Gone, a brief soak in period and follow up with paper towels cleaned the material down to the bare metal. cosmoline removal wd40 - wholesalersbootcamp.com How to Properly Remove Cosmoline from Military Surplus Firearms Thanks, John. The use of gasoline as a cleaning solvent is DRAMATICALLY Dangerous. Wipe stock every 15 minutes until rags are clean enough for you (also make sure to suspend stock on the other end every once in a while so the heat can reach that end as well). Then rinse in hot water and blow dry any areas that did not dried up. Get proficient on YOUR time. Be sure to use a decent gun oil on any moving parts when you reassemble. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Military surplus firearms are typically very easy to fully disassemble with minimal tools, making it a pretty painless job. remove all the metal parts, wash it with the hottest water you can tolerate then spray all surfaces with wd40 to prevent rust. I have used slow heat and mineral spirits with a brush on several stocks with good results. you a link to reset your password. Is either of these acceptable? Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. Cosmoline Remover - Cosmoline Removal Made Easy - Removes Grease, Wax Place the bolt assembly into the boiling water. Thanks The military does buy shotguns so I can believe it is cosmoline. I've used mineral spirits, gasoline, heat, soapy water, etc. Goo Gone is a cirtus gel product that is marketed for the removal of adhesive residue on consumer projects. I cleaned a heavily soiled 37 bSw last week, I use Krud Kutter. It will melt off the Cosmoline then wipe and oil everything down. All petroleum-based products are chemical mixtures that are highly complex. Worked really well. Once removed, coatings can be melted again for repeat use. The honest-to-goodness proper way to remove Cosmoline from anything, really, is through working at it. Best Way To Remove Cosmoline And The Easiest way To Clean - YouTube Q-Tips and cotton swabs also work. The stuff will bubble up as a wonderfully aromatic orange oil like layer on the water. No wiping needed with mineral spirits. old nasty cosmoline removal? - NASIOC Throw on a podcast or something youre likely going to be here for a bit. I bought a bunch of those Yugo SKS rifles when cases of them started showing up at the gun shows. You must log in or register to reply here. A sealed PVC tube or large container are both good for soaking guns in mineral spirits, depending on the size of the firearm and container. The aerosol cans work best for this application. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. Over time, Cosmoline may have seeped into nooks, crevices, and gaps in the metal but it is actually fairly simple to remove. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Cosmoline is a petroleum-based, grease-like rust inhibitor, that is typically used on firearms that are going into long term storage. WD40 is a good cleaner for surfaces that you have good access to wipe down, but when it comes to cleaning small parts such as springs, sears, hammers, and other hard to reach places, I find that mineral spirits does a better job. These two things together will help dislodge and remove the remaining traces of Cosmoline, along with a fair amount of elbow grease. Stripping the finish is a big no-no for some. . Review SDS for complete safety precautions. That means it will come off with kerosene or mineral spirit, and could even just wipe away with rubbing alcohol. The Fastest, Easiest & Safest Way to Remove Cosmoline (Easy Cosmoline Removal in Seconds)Removing Cosmoline has given people grief since 1939. A heat gun on the low setting or a hairdryer both work great for this task. You n00b! It's much cheaper than WD40 or other chemicals and works great. I found some PD680 from a chemical company, but it must be neutured or something because it doesn't smell the same and doesn't work anywhere near what the older stuff did back in the '90's. Shopping Cart Software by BigCommerce. Before you start cleaning, here is a list of things you will need: Some things you should avoid when trying to remove Cosmoline: A note on why you shouldnt use gasoline: using gasoline to clean a firearm just isnt practical, especially in the quantity you would need to clean a typical C&R firearm. Be the first to review this product! Cosmoline can create a dangerous situation with your firearm. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Dexter-the-Cat Of course, after the wash and rinse process of cleaning, the firearm needs to be dry. I will offer that after trying everything, the absolute best method for degreasing the stock is to put it in a large black garbage bag and fill it with either kitty litter, or that similar stuff you use to soak up oil on the driveway. Removing cosmoline - The Home Shop Machinist & Machinist's Workshop Simple Green works great on metal parts, particularly in the ultrasonic cleaner. The Enfield P1917 above is a perfect example. Use coupon code KTG10 to get 10% off your order of $150 or more at Brownells. Bolt assembly and small parts steam on top off kettle with rack and follow same process for clean and lube for reassemble .had to deal with this stuff with stored engine cylinder heads and guns a lot steam and compressed air. Remove all metal parts, use a spray can of break cleaner to strip cosmoline. For metal, Boil water and combine with CONCENTRATED Simple Green in a disposable pan and wash all the metal. Free-floating firing pins, like the one found in AR-15s and the SKS, need to freely float. I think some that were around it a lot had long term health problems from exposure, so they probably had to change the make up of it or something. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, M91, M91/30, M91/30 PU, M38, M44, 48M, T53, Enough Glorious Rifle to arm small milita. Set the temp to 130 degrees, bake for a while. Breaks down (dissolves) all forms of Cosmoline in seconds with very little effort. 2023, Schafco Packaging Company. This rifle had not been disassembled in MANY moons and had dried cosmoline in all the tight areas. Cosmoline was quickly adopted by militaries the world over as a way to chemically embalm small arms, artillery pieces, armored vehicles, and so on for either long term storage or trips across the Atlantic. Removing all of the Cosmoline will take significant work regardless, so it comes down to a matter of preference. I simply pour it on a rag and wipe away the cosmoline. For the trigger group, I soaked it in some Hoppe's #9 for a few hours and it seemed to have gotten most of the cosmoline out of it. I've used this method on all four of my rifles and it worked very well. We would rest the muzzle in a 5 gallon bucket to catch the cosmoline filled water. Cosmoline is petroleum-based rust and corrosion-inhibiting grease. In fact, this exact scenario is what probably led you to this article. The protective layer was thick, tough and not easy to remove. Today, the mineral spirits found in products like ours are more refined and . towards your level. 5. Basically this was the in thing to do prior to the plastic wrapping OEM`s use now. Easy cosmoline removal - rifleshooter.com How to clean cosmoline off your Mosin Nagant 91/30, SKS or any other surplus gun using Mineral Spirits and hot water. Cosmoline removal - autopia The greasy substance is used to prevent their military surplus rifles from rusting. Type your email address and well send Following a wash-rinse cycle will help coax Cosmoline out from all the crevices and grooves, so repeat the process until your water runs clear and you can handle each part without it feeling greasy or oily. Its worth noting that we didnt go SUPER deep with our cleanup job on the two in-house Type 56s as theyre already pretty thoroughly trashed. IMMEDIATELY hit it with penetrating oil (NOT WD-40but a real petroleum-based penetrating oil), and wipe down with a soft cloth. Want the best cosmoline removal methods for cleaning up your milsurp gun? Dont worry too much if you cant actually get to most of the grease yet, just consider this an initial pass thatll make later cleaning a little bit easier. Tends to dry the wood surface but I apply a light oil after I clean as a default measure anyway. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Personalize your experience. I paid $4 for a spray bottle. In our case, you might need to run the gadget a few times to really penetrate the crud. However, it might not be necessary if you have no intentions of shooting it. All Rights Reserved. That is why it is called CitriStrip. ?>. Brake cleaner is pretty nasty even its not in chlorinated form though, so make sure youve got gloves and a well-ventilated area to work in. I last did this with an SMLE stock from 1944, and it was wicked completely dry of every spec of cosmoline, and the oil absorbing compound was almost black. The cosmoline literally runs off with the water. 15 Best Gun Shops In California (2022 Updated), AR-15 Upper Assembly Guide (2022 UPDATED) Must-Read, Q-tips for cleaning the other metal sections of the gun. You can empty your disgusting cosmoline soup as you go along or just leave it, cosmo floats in water so you might need to skim that off at least before taking the parts out. 12,772. WD-40 Specialist Rust Remover Soak, One Gallon, 1-Pack 1,330 $2494 ($0.19/Fl Oz) Save more with Subscribe & Save FREE delivery Sat, Feb 18 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Wipe it off with a combination of shop rags for the surface grease, as well as goof-off to grab any of the sticky residues that are going to be left behind. We walk-through an SKS example with plenty of pics and video. Soak a cloth in the degreaser and rub it onto the firearm until the cosmoline is dissolved. Cosmoline Removal | /k/ - Weapons Wiki | Fandom All ultrasonic cleaners are made in the same factory in the PRC. Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date, Blowback Operated Guns: Way More Than You Need To Know, CZ-457 Accuracy: The Most Affordable Way to Accurize Your CZ, How to Clean and Lube an Over/Under Shotgun, The Complete History of the Lyman Alaskan Scope, Gun Bluing Basics: All of the Methods Gunsmiths Use. Just be careful if using a heat gun, keep it on low, and make sure to keep the heat moving and even. It depends on the matter of your desire. Here are the stuff youll need: Avoid using gasoline and harsh chemical solvents as your cleaner because that can strip paint and other coatings from the guns surface. I had to pull it out of the plastic to verify numbers. Kroil can be found here at Brownells.com. CitriStrip on the wood parts. Buying Milsurp: Removing Cosmoline from the SKS Cosmoline removal questions. Learn the 3 most popular shooting stances & more. Oil or grease, residue, and dirt can build up in the barrel and internal parts during shooting sessions. Cosmoline is our stuff, product of a first world economy, the commies used grease, cheap grease, much easier to remove. Login with username, password and session length, Metal-hot water, WD 40, diesel, brake cleaner, or simple green. Collectors of C&R (Curio & Relic) firearms often find old firearms that were built around WWI or WWII and then put in storage. Yes, I used it back in the day when I did not know better. Air dry with compressor or hang dry then oil all parts. Date: 10/10/14 Bolt components I usually boil, just to make sure I get all of it out. This is obviously going to be one of the more critical parts of your cosmoline cleaning voyage, as any residue buildup you dont address is going to negatively affect the accuracy of the rifle once you get it out to the range. They are the go-to gun shop for collectors and shooters alike. Because of the general porous nature of wood, chances are pretty decent that a good amount of grease has managed to penetrate the wood fiber itself, even if it retained its original finish. You can also use another heat source to melt the cosmoline to its liquid condition, such as a heat gun or an oven. jumpscare links to send to friends; elliptical orbit simulator; babolat ambassador program. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:Cosmoline Remover is a solvent-based industrial cleaner specifically formulated to quickly & effectively remove all types of Cosmoline and other petroleum-based transportation and storage coatings. The catchall phrase Stoddard Solvent is no longer adequate to tell the proper story. Cosmoline removal. WD40? | K98k Forum Took days of cleaning for all the original proofs and markings to become visible. But its worth noting that every cosmolined gun is going to be a little bit different in terms of uh grease severity. Works great. Your go to for cosmoline removal Make sure you get all of the Cosmolene off of the gun! Not so sure about current unleaded bio-fuel with all the additives. For extra protection of the piece, youll need to add lubricant and stain (for wood stock), especially to the bolt assembly. WD40 worked well, but was basically a waste when the spirits did the same thing. Mauser Rifles 1933 to 1945 - The Nazi Period. Here are the stuff you'll need: Mineral spirits or acetone and kerosene Water and soap Shop rags A toothbrush or a smaller paintbrush. For Cosmoline removal, I get a gallon of K1 kerosene, then put it in a tub. Are you aware that cosmoline and shellac are, in fact, two different substances? And stay in touch with newsletters of our best articles on techniques, guns, & gear. We use mineral spirits in the shop to remove cosmoline. AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides. Brownells sells Rust Veto, a cosmoline equivalent optimized for long-term firearm storage. It dissolves dried grease and will work its way into openings as small as one-millionth of an inch. AtLunde Studio, our primary goal is to provide a dedicated resource for all gun enthusiasts from all walks of life. We wound up using about ~3 cans of cleaner total per rifle, using a general spray vigorously and begin wiping down method. All that being said I usually buy cotton cloths from a big box store ringspun or recycled and I just wipe. If you go to fast or too aggressive you can strip out the moisture and mess up the stock. Spray oil like PB blaster and a pile of rags will do it, swab out the chamber and bore same as you would during routine cleaning after shooting. This method works well on metal parts, but extreme care must be taken as Kerosene is very flammable. Seems to take off anything, including paint spatters without harming the finish at all. For future cosmo removal, try mineral spirits. I've done all my cosmo cleanups with mineral spirits, junk toothbrushes, and a heat gun. This is how to remove cosmoline in the most effective and efficient manner from your newly-acquired Moist Nugget or other military surplus firearm. Dont forget to subscribe to the Pew Pew Tactical YouTube Channel! Cosmoline RP-342 "Heavy" Rust Preventative Spray (Military-Grade) 1-Can https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MRRYF6N/?tag=wranglerorg-20 Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. The cleaning process starts by removing as much of the cosmolines as possible. Strips the finish and removes the cosmoline really, really well. Acetone, mineral spirits, or kerosene (but avoid the latter when possible, or when your firearm has been painted or blued). Had some residual cosmoline on a receiver that came off surprisingly well last weekend with HOT water, near boiling temp. WD40 is actually mostly kerosene along with something like floor polish that remains when the paraffin has evaporated. WD40 is an expensive version of mineral spirits. You would tie an old shoelace to a receiver, a gear, a bolt assembly, whateverdrop it in a pre-prepared tank of boiling water, watch the clock, and remove. It complies with us military MIL-C-11796C Class 3 rust preventative. but I'm definitely open to suggestions as well. He grew up in Elk County, Pennsylvania, where he became obsessed with the world of firearms. Youll have to put them all together inside a box or small storage, together with the thing you want to cosmo be removed and leave under the sunlight for a few days. 2. In the fire control area, cosmoline will slow the operation of the components, such as the firing pin and trigger. I soaked them in mineral spirits then rinsed with hot water and dried them. Treat surface with your favorite lube or set up for hot blueing. I disassembled the rifle and scraped/wiped off as much goo as I could. I've been researching some products that can remove the yellowish cosmoline thats baked onto the bay and have found some good reviews on Zymol Strik. Like CitriStrip because you won't lose any proof marks in the wood. Afterward, disassemble the rifle down the the point where you can remove all the moisture and clean a few nooks and crannys and properly lube. At this point you can check up on your sonic cleaner parts and see how theyre doing. I've discovered recently that WD40 works good. If you need suggestions, try one of our favorite YouTube channels. Good or bad idea? two weeks ago I used wd-40 to clean off cosmoline off a SAR-80 parts kit, I used it on the plastic stock and metal it worked real well and does not harm the bluing or crackle paint on the receiver stubs. If the metal is removed from the stock, it shouldn't make much of a difference. Buy an 8" piece of HVAC round duct pipe, a blow dryer, and paper towels. This particular C96 seems have been dunked in the stuff, so I decided to try boiling it in water to melt the cosmoline rather than clean it all with rags and Q-tips. Your email address will not be published. Sealing them in a greasy tomb of cosmo guards against the corrosive nature of maritime environments. Cosmoline Removal Wd40 ; Conclusion ; What Removes Cosmoline? Reassemble the gun, perform a functions test to make sure that everything feels right and is operating correctly, and youre basically done! We personally used a Lyman sonic cleaner and Lyman solvent, which worked pretty well and got us most of the way there, with only a tiny bit of extraneous scrubbing required afterwords. Purchased a SKS Type 56 that was so loaded with Cosmoline that the sales person would not even touch it. You are using an out of date browser. Ive just tossed all metal parts in the oven at around 150F for about 5-10 mins. Worked great. Be sure to re oil the parts. * SCAQMD -This product is not to be used in California's South Coast Air Quality Management District because it does not comply with Rule 1144. There are other considerations that you think about if tackling this task. This solvent-based formula is safe to use on any painted surface and is ideal for preparing new vehicles for sale. Pressure steam and air dry large parts and wipe down with good oil 3 in 1 is good run hoppes#9 thru the bore after steaming and compressed air drying. They dunked in the guns in a 55-gallon drum of gasoline. gear. I used the boiling water method for my cousin's 91/30. Safe to use on firearms, military weaponry, automobiles, machinery, heavy equipment, gears, lathes, dies, molds, and anything else coated with Cosmoline. WD40 works well enough and wont hurt a thing. . Now what's the best way to clean the residual WD40 off so I won't have primers getting compromised? You just stripped the finish off of your rifle. OMS, odorless mineral spirits for me, too. Remove the stock, get a few tooth brushes and start dousing and scrubbing the metal. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. The diesel fuel with get thick as you wring out the microfiber towel repeatedly in the diesel. Today, the mineral spirits found in products like ours are more refined and processed (see hydrogenation, hydrotreating and distillation techniques) providing mixtures with varying boiling points, cleaning ability, and chemical composition. 1 Place a part in a solvent-compatible container and spray down with brake cleaner. cosmoline will sweat out of your stock on its own. Another tip for faster drying without any extra work is to place it in a well-ventilated area so that the wind or air can travel smoothly around the area. When cosmoline is exposed to heat and pressure like this, it will essentially bake on the metal surface. It should be treated as a bore obstruction and removed prior to firing. Grease will burn when exposed to temperatures, but it will not catch fire. Cosmoline removal - The Firing Line Forums Change the paper towel and put back at a slightly higher temp every cycle. two weeks ago I used wd-40 to clean off cosmoline off a SAR-80 parts kit, I used it on the plastic stock and metal it worked real well and does not harm the bluing or crackle paint on the receiver stubs. I have used before on other parts kits with paper towels or old cotton rags. No finish injured, wood stocks like-new (it cooks Cosmoline out of the wood grain), and IT'S CHEAP! Soaking, washing, rinsing, and scrubbing will take hours to complete before you can handle your parts or firearm without the greasy residue covering your hands. A heatgun or trashbag works well enough to get the cosmoline out of the stock. 5-Gallon Pail ($265.00) << Special Price, Best Value! Repeat this until the patches come out relatively clean. Wipe it down with a rag with a little denatured alcohol on it. Stock in a trash bag on a hot day Or mineral spirits scrub down? Cosmolines melting point is pretty low, between 113 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. Let me show you how I safely remove cosmoline. You do not pay Despite being virtually entirely made up of hydrocarbons, the composition varies depending on the crude oil source. cosmoline removal wd40 - brodebeau.com Cosmoline is a greenish man-butter stuff that most car manufacturers spray on engines/undercarriages of cars to protect during transport. All prices are in USD. Now its one of the best toys in the box. You only have power over people so long as you do not take everything away from them. Once cosmoline has been exposed to air for a few years, it will solidify and become a wax consistency. It is used for undercoating and preventing the damages in a car caused by driving on roads. The consistency of cosmoline varies widely but is mostly found as grease or wax. You can also apply chemicals such as acetone and kerosene. Cosmoline melts at temperatures ranging from 115 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. It worked great. Its very important that you get as much of the Cosmoline out of the gun as possible if only to eliminate the risk of having to disassemble the gun to find a hidden chunk of the rust-preventive gunking it up. Cleaning cosmoline off the rifle westrifle.com Do you think I would run into finishing problems with it? Fact: Over the past few decades, the name Stoddard Solvent was synonymous with all mineral spirits. Cosmoline removal 91/30 - Russian Mosin Nagant Forum A kitty litter can also remove cosmo in your guns. Depending on how much hardened build-up youve got, itll probably take you a few cans of brake cleaner to get everything loosened up. Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. I've restored a couple cosmoline soaked rifles using different techniques. When applied to a surface, the compound solidifies as it . How To Clean Cosmoline Off Sks - knowhowcommunity.org When sourcing our Cosmoline Remover, we took into consideration: effectiveness, safety, cost and convenience of application and clean-up. If you use these links, it helps me continue to put out free content for viewers. Love your family and keep your powder dry, Quote from: dwcopple on July 07, 2014, 07:08:24 AM. Used Citristrip on my T53 stock, along with CLP to get the cosmoline out of the metal parts. I never knew of these methods when I got my mosin, so I spent a week in my basement with some solvent and a few rolls of paper towels. Here's one of the several main versions of cosmoline in an aerosol. Only used it to finish wiping off the light residue. There are a few rare examples where you shouldnt remove it. Aerosol brake of carburetor cleaner, dissolves the cosmolene into thin air almost instantly. You can accomplish this by wiping your handgun, placing it in a black trash bag, and leaving it out under the hot sun. A & L Cosmoline Remover will quickly and easily remove petroleum-based transit coatings and cosmoline from vehicles.
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