trader joes low iodine foods

Publix Non-Dairy Creamer My store brand plain non-dairy creamer did not contain salt or seaweed products (carrageenan), but the other flavors did. Is that advised? This is day 3 of my LID and I'm not gonna liethis is tough! Trader Joes Sodium Free Whole Wheat Bread Nasty, unless you like the taste of cardboard. Here is the link to my original post Second thank you, thank you and thank you for all of your research and phone calls. Best wishes! Her cardiac team came in before hand several times to go over the surgery with all of us there (grandma, grandpa, mom, me and a family friend) and told us to expect her to be in surgery at least 3 hours but anywhere from 3-4 to be on the safe side. So I cut up the hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato and onions and seasoned it all with the stuff I brought with me and made it into somewhat of a taco salad with my unsalted chips! I'll ask the grocers at Whole Foods and Trader Joes for helpbut just throwing this out thereI'm also bummed about saying a goodbye (for a few weeks) to soy milk and I see my favorite almond milk has sea salt in it! SomI picked up a load of sandwich bread there that did not include "sea salt" but now I'm concerned it may use Iodine Conditioners. Trader Joes Crumpets these are great toasted and smeared with peanut butter and/or jelly for a quick breakfast. I did read that Trader Joes does not use iodized salt in their brand products. Dole Fruit Squish'ems! I hope all goes well for him. Aug 25, 2018 @ 13:15:21. I've never read so many labels in my eyes hurt. I really appreciate how detailed this is! I was able to find out that corporate for trader Joes has guaranteed that they do not use iodize salt in any of their trader joes name bran products DO STAY . most companies respond very quickly. These TJ spreads do not contain any. Kens Steakhouse Zesty Italian dressing this dressing is great to have on hand for salads (and to use as a marinade). Also, grom what I learned and researched, LID can/does make a difference. when in doubt, either leave it out, or send an email. This morning the drainage tube came out which means they got all the fluid out of her lung (reducing the risk for pneumonia) and she was sitting up and eating cheerios! I found Muir Glen makes a salt-free basil flavored canned tomato sauce and I picked up 2 cans but would love some feedback on if it is ok from other people's experience. Anyway, I was looking for suggestions on how to stay healthy and happy during this time like vitamin supplements or drinking lots of water or exercising lightly? Doing RAI at home. Its great on everything . I just thought I would pass it on because it almost felt too good to be true - Trader Joe's and Chipotle??!! Trader Joes Dried Mandarins These are so delicious! Whole Foods I didnt have guidance for LID from my oncologist or any other doctor. I loved their unsalted tortilla chips, and the unsalted nuts at TJ's were the best!! 365 Brand Cashew Butter This is a delicious nut butter from Whole Foods. I am finding that the opposite is true, I am having a hard time keeping my sugars up enough because my endo does not want my sugars below 90 but so far I am barely there!!! Also I would like to have some bread or bagel but I guess I get confused when I read Thomas Bagels and it says it contains soy but yet its soybean, but not sure if that is soybean oil which we can have or soy beans. I have Celiac Dermititis Herpetiformis which iodine acts as an irritant. Purchased at Whole Foods. (LogOut/ They are Organic, low organic sugar, no coloring, no sodium, etc. Better to be safe than sorry :) After we ate lunch and visited a bit, we all walked outside for a smoke break and to keep from being so stiff just sitting and waiting. Purchased at Fresh Market. She got the intubation tube out last night and came off the breathing machine!!! Dec 21, 2017 @ 22:09:47. Will be using after the LID. NO salt. Purchased at Harris Teeter grocery store. recipesforsustenance Good luck and remember LID is about 19 days out of a lifetime, and it's all to improve your chances of knocking this cancer down for good! Thomas Bagels The plain, blueberry, onion, and cinnamon raisin flavors are all LID-friendly. Keeping a good thought for you! FYI, this bread doesnt contain salt or dough conditioners. thanks is iodine bad for us survivors? I have also enjoyed their fire roasted no salt salsa. When asked how she felt she said "I feel like shit" LMAO so we know grandma is on the mend and will be home soon enough :) I am so relieved!!! Beef flavor bouillon. I will need my coffee when I start LID it is my One guilty Pleasure, and with dealing with cancer, RAI and everything else, this is one thing I want to enjoy. FOR EXAMPLE: Frosted Shredded Wheat are ok to eat! Far better than last year's LID diet. It's almost like an applesauce and they are YUMMY! My husband is on LID for the first time, and youve helped tremendously! I was really nervous the first time. Used this product as base for pasta sauce. Aug 22, 2021 @ 23:40:38. No lactose, no salt. Used this product as base for pasta sauce. Also Enjoy Life chocolates, almond butter and grape jelly. jani, unless we have to be on the diet, you still avoid iodine products? First time looking at your site. I would like to think I am superwoman and will not experience any symptomsbut better check with you all. Since kosher certified can only use kosher ingredients, the salt brine is iodine free! I ate pretty much only items from Trader Joe's brand that didn't have sea salt or dairy. Also, is sparkling water ok to drink? As long as there are no other non-allowed ingredients, Newmans Own products are fine to eat while on LID. I also used this product for my Chicken and Noodles recipe. Hope that helps! I have read so many things about LID - I thought I read that there is a bread, peanut butter, chips and a salsa that are all allowed on the diet. Other lists (NIH) say foods with milk ingredients are allowed in very small amounts. It was runny (less so if kept in the fridge) and it just didnt taste right. Progresso Unsalted Chicken Broth contain no added salt. Just click on the link! Any insight? Read labels. I hope you will find some of the meal ideas on this blog helpful. Thanks in advance, Of course, there may be regional differences so you should always check the ingredients list. I am starting the lid again Monday and I saw on a post that trader Joe's has a butter spread that is approved. -Trader Joe's Cream Almond Butter (No Salt) We get in the car to finally head home after a long day but my day is not over yet!!! Both my husband and I have thyroid cancer, his being Papillary and mine Follicular. Lots of sorbet options out there- most with zero sodium. Best wishes! I think So Delicious has a soy-free, LID-safe style cheese substitute. I dont love how it tastes in coffee, though. Sep 04, 2019 @ 19:52:37. Tomatoes in a can? Cyndi, recipesforsustenance No Granola Zero sodium.while it says Sugar Fire sauce is a dessert sauce- we used it on grilled chicken, hamburger patties, etc. -Cucumber Refrigerated Salad- keeps for 2 mo! One of them is StrawberryI also use Apricot and Blueberry even before the LID. There is a brand I saw yestereday at wal-mart called Good Karma and its main ingredient is canola oil. You mix it with water to make a creamy coconut milk. Rice Noodles I found these rice noodles at an Asian Market. I start mine in three weeks and need to have some convenience items to have in the car - I have two children and with activities every night it is not possible to make things in the cookbook everyday. I was very surprise to see that oreos are ok to eat since chocolate is not allowed. : ), thank you ,thank you, my best wishes for you, recipesforsustenance The David brand does not contained iodized salt. Can anyone help? HI!!! Seriously, just make some homemade bread. Thank you! Getting ready to start LID diet in prep for my second round of RIT. As long as it does not contain dairy or other banned ingredients, chocolate is fine for LID. Elmhurst Milked Cashews This stuff is delicious! What are the chances? Anyone know? I don't use milk or creamer in my coffee but use too so I know that it's tough to go without. An airbed does not seem comfortable. Youve made it so easy. Is trader joe's fair trade? Our first 21 days on the diet we pretty much followed the diet from the thyca cookbook and it was so hard. It was such a relief to hear she made it through the surgery :) The doc told us that the next 48 hours are critical after this type of surgery but she would be in ICU 2-3 days then moved to a regular room for another 3-4 days and that she may be home by Saturday if she cooperates with the rehabilitation team if she doesn't she will go to a rehabilitation facility for 1-2 weeks! Kosher Salt Kosher salt does not have iodine. This Earth Balance Soy Free product is mentioned by Daria on her LID Blog: : Thank you in advance!! Most Thomas Bagel Thins are also LID-friendly. I am starting to hear canola oil may not be as good as we think. I was shopping for bread in Trader Joes, and one of their employees offered to call and see which ones were low iodine. I will try it as a marinade with chicken breast and use it on a salad with pecans and apples or pears.mmmm. Jan 16, 2023 @ 20:14:36. "low sodium"; Zero sodium; I added kosher salt to the jar. These tacos shells are fine for LID. This community is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, an Inspire trusted partner. 75% cacao. By calling the consumer hotlines for the products or by messaging the company on Facebook, I was able to confirm the products do not contain iodized salt and that expanded what I was able to eat. Thank you so much for this site.. I have heard that Trader Joes products are ok to use on the LID. It is best if rice is limited on LID. Having this bread will save me time since I wont have to be making bread from scratch. I am so happy that I found this site! recipesforsustenance LID Life Community does list several types of Pop Tarts as safe. It has really helped me get ready for the LID. Based on what I have read, there is a lot of information available about LID diets, but quite a bit of information that my doctor did not address with me, and some conflicting information. I still have almost two weeks to go. They also have lots of items that do not contain soy or soybean products like soybean oil, soy lethicin, or vegetable oils that contain soy. They have Unsalted, Organic White Corn Tortilla Chips and they are amazing, just not salty. Bottom line is Trader Joes Brand (products that they manufacture themselves) products use non-iodized salt. I found it thru someone on here. I'm getting ready for the LID and love trader joes products. Aug 19, 2019 @ 21:33:47. -Trader Joe's Quick Cook Steel Cut Oats -Trader Joe's Organic Banana Chips Thank you for your email. = Rough. Their granola cereals, many breads, dark chocolate bars, guacamole-like mashed avocados, coconut creamer, toasted almonds and frozen veggies made for a very tasty LID diet. I am having RAI next Friday.. 1st and Last!! We had also packed up cheese and peanut butter crackers for snacks, girl scout thin mint cookies and some "cuties". , recipesforsustenance Their customer service is superb, so feel free to contact them if you want to be extra sure. You are welcome! My 17 yr old son has to have the RAI. Thanks!! Do you know if pop tarts contain iodine? My experience with thyroid cancer with emphasis on Low-Iodine Diet recipes and menus. Feb 16, 2021 @ 21:03:58. So for dinner tonight I am having a modified taco salad with proper seasoning minus the sour cream and cheese and with my Trader Joe's unsalted chips!!! Yes TJ's is a wonderful store for LID items! Im so glad you found it useful. Flowers. This makes things so much easier!! I've found a few products, through the help of this website and through scouring the shelves of grocery stores, that have made cooking and eating while on the LID diet a bit easier. The LID Life Community has a Facebook group too. Last blood work my TSH was .14.what does that mean? Ugh! Sugar is little higher than we generally prefer, but when on the LID.go for it! Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Coconut Milk Creamer (Sweet Creme) One of the few non-dairy coffee creamers I have found that is vegan and does not contain seaweed products or sea salt. I read and re-read the ingredients list. Now that Ive read this, I know that I can do it. Seeing your list it makes the next couple weeks more manageable.THANKS SO much! Low Sodium I've been determined to find good stuff to eat on this irritating LID diet. Thyroid cancer support group and discussion community. Plus, I was still recuperating from the total thyroidectomy, so I was exhausted and having to cook everything from scratch. After that grandpa wanted another smoke so we walked out so he could have a smoke and get that "load" off his chest so to speak :) He walked with us up to the valet service and waited until the car was brought up. By researching which type of salt food companies use allowed me to add a lot more products to my LID diet the next time I did it. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. I found unsalted tortilla chips, corn tortillas with no salt, canned tomatoes and tomato sauce with no salt added AND tons of kosher meat. It comprises a peninsula surrounded by the North Sea (west), the Waddenzee (north), and the IJsselmeer (Lake IJssel; east). I know she is not out of the woods yet, but I know she is on her road to recovery :) I also asked her docs yesterday about taking extra precautions after my RAI if I should take a few extra days staying away from grandma since she just had this surgery but they assured me that after my 7 days of isolation I would pose no risk to grandma anymore than I would any other non-pregnant adult! This is a link: What an arduous task to deal with while also dealing with a cancer diagnosis, and insurance stuff..I just keep looking until 1/28 when I will be done with the after RAI WBS and on to living until the next US in March. - Oregon, or Salt Lake City, or even somewhere else in Idaho?) No one is very savvy about iodine, but just let them know that any sea ingredient (kelp, fish, etc.) Ben & Jerrys Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert Contains soybean oil and soy lecithin, but both of those ingredients are considered to be okay on LID. We got this, recipesforsustenance I have also downloaded the LID Cookbook from the thy ca. For some of the products I contacted the manufacturers via Facebook or by phone to ask about the type of salt they used. I had one for a snack on day 4 :) I've noticed I've been jittery and feeling anxious today My hearts feels like its racing and I'm a bit short of breath at times.not sure of its what I'm eating/not eating or my meds. Great for soups, risotto, mashed potatoes, etc Make sure to read labels because the regular Progresso broths contain sea salt. Both probably have more but I had limited time to shop. -Trader Joe's Unsalted White Organic Corn Tortilla Chips Quaker Instant Oatmeal (Plain) Oatmeal is an easy breakfast. I guess Im just nervous and dont want to mess up. You are so welcome! made by Dole and some cashew and almond bars. The island of Marken in the IJsselmeer has been connected by embankment with the mainland since 1957; the . She made it through surgery now the healing process can begin and he can be by her side again! I could use the site to look up LID-safe items on my phone while I was grocery shopping. I probably would not use their products to be on the safe side. I have spent countless hours researching what I can and cannot eat on LID and I have never read that enriched flour is on the do not eat list. Thank you!!!!! Turned out the diet was way worse than the RAI. Hang in there, mama. I am glad that others are finding my blog useful. Did you contact the sellers to make sure of the type of salt they used? undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. Sincerely, Also, it was easier once I figured out that the vast majority of food products do not contain iodized salt. i that what is thyca patients should do? That site has been so helpful in finding food items that dont contain iodine. They have a list of safe foods. ~Wanda.. Rice is a good source of energy, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate, and vitamin E. I'm going to Trader Joe's later to (hopefully) find some good snacks I'm allowed. I asked the waitress where the veggies came from and she told me they were from a jar and contained salt. RAI in 6 days! I also used an awesome resource, LID Life Community ( I don't think the ground beef is USDA organic, but it is from TJs. It is a low iodine diet, not a no iodine diet. I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. The Tuscan Pane does not contain sea salt. Kite Hill Almond Milk Cream Cheese Style Spread a vegan, soy-free cream cheese alternative that does not contain iodized salt. I had my second go around with being on a LID for the last 3 weeks.

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