modoc plateau geology

An exception is the broad Teays Valley which was created by a large, preglacial river. The plateau is capped with scattered small, young cinder cones and basalt flows. With the exception of some metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, most rocks in the Peninsular Ranges are igneous and Jurassic in age, dating to the time of the Nevadan orogeny. The highest point on the rim of Medicine Lake volcano'scalderais 2,412 m (7,913 ft). The Modoc Plateau is a mile-high expansive prehistoric lava flow, with areas of sparse vegetation, rough broken lava rock, juniper trees, and sagebrush flats in a semi-arid region covering about a half-million acres. For much of the Cenozoic the region was filled with lakes and brackish swamps. Medicine Lake volcano is located at the intersection of major tectonic features including the northwestern extension of the Walker Lane fault zone. Young Volcanoes: the Cascades and Modoc Plateau Includes Pike Creek Formation of Walker and Repenning (1965), originally identified as Pike Creek Volcanic Series by Fuller (1931), and unnamed volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of southern Lake County, some of which have been correlated with the Miocene and Oligocene Cedarville Formation of northeastern California, Lava flows, breccia, volcaniclastic and epiclastic rocks mostly of andesitic and dacitic composition; includes minor amounts of altered basaltic rocks. Finally, the Modoc Plateau, a volcanic table ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 feet (1,200 to 1,800 m) in elevation, separates the Medicine Lake Highlands in the west from the Warner Mountains in the east, covering roughly 1,000,000 acres (400,000 ha) of the forest. In the late 20th century, enough gold was found in association with the mercury, arsenic, tungsten and thallium to open the McLaughlin mine in the Mayacmas Mountains around Knoxville. Most of the ares sits at an elevation of between 4,000 and 6,000 feet. Their hazard for water and wind erosion is none to low when bare. Should one of the local faults in the area experience displacement, the McArthur Swamp could potentially experience levee failures from ground lurching and/or lateral spreading. Volcanic rocks erupted around Barstow in the Triassic. Henhill Silt Loams are classified as neutral to slightly alkaline and have moderate shrink-swell potential. Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California, "Second Edition", 2016, Alt/Hyndman Roadside Geology of Oregon, "Second Edition", 2016, Marli B. Miller . The Bowman Ditch and adjacent area are underlain by Quaternary lacustrine deposits composed of alluvial sediments derived from volcanic materials, water-lain ash deposits, and local diatomaceous detritus (CDMG, 1968). Geologists have struggled to define its structural geology with complex sequences of deep ocean crust, upper mantle rock and tectonic melanges. The geologic information, particularly for the Klamath Mountains, Modoc Plateau, and northern Sierra Nevada, has been updated to reflect the more recent geologic understanding of these complex areas. Platy flow-jointing common. The West Shasta district has a long history of copper and zinc production out of chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Around Shasta Reservoir are other copper and zinc deposits in the Triassic-age Bully Hill rhyolite. According to available geologic maps from the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), the Modoc Plateau is underlain by Tertiary sediments and recent volcanic rocks that have been block-faulted into north trending ranges, which have resulted in large open valleys. It also interfingers with up 23,000 feet of volcanic rocks in the Rogue Formation. Forestry Technician (Lassen NF) | Natural Resources Job Board Free shipping for many products! Proposal Type: Mandatory Revision Course is being updated for periodic review. Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California The largest wild population in Washington occurs within the ecoregion in the Columbia River Gorge. Geology and History | U.S. Geological Survey Potassium-argon ages on rocks from unit range from about 36 Ma (Swanson and Robinson, 1968) to about 20 Ma. The basement rocks of the Sierra Nevada date to the Paleozoic and include rocks in the Shoo Fly complex and Grizzly Formation. The Shasta County General Plan contains a Public Safety Element as required by Section 65302(g) of the California Government Code, which requires that General Plans include an element containing identification and appraisal of seismic and geologic hazards. Additionally, borate deposited during arid conditions, with mining after 1926. Includes older alluvium and related deposits of Piper (1942), Willamette Silt (Allison, 1953; Wells and Peck, 1961), alluvial silt, sand, and gravel that form terrace deposits of Wells and others (1983), and Gresham and Estacada Formations of Trimble (1963). Geologists group the plutons of the Peninsular Ranges as the Southern California batholith, which includes several large individual plutons like the San Marcos Gabbro, Woodson Mountain Granodiorite or Bonsall Tonalite. Interactive map of the geology of California | American Geosciences "[1], It is a thick accumulation of lava flows and tuff beds, along with many small volcanic cones. The latest edition of this popular book explores the state s recent rumblings and tremulous past with the aid of full color illustrations. Wetlands in the ecoregion are home to many birds including bald eagles, geese, ducks, herons, cranes, rails, and various songbirds. The threat of catastrophic wildfire and competition with barred owls (Strix varia) are concerns for the conservation of the spotted owl, a federally listed species that occurs within the ecoregion. The Foothill Metamorphic Belt likely came ashore as an island arc terrane, colliding with the edge of North America to the west of the current Melones fault zone. It is exposed in the Smith River drainage to the north of US Highway 199 in Del Norte County. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Britton Silt Loams, 30 to 50 percent slopes soils are characterized as being relatively shallow (10 to 20inches), and well drained with moderately slow permeability. However, the Greenhorn Fault system is more active to the south, extending to the Tehachapi Mountains and causing more plateau-like landforms. Fissure eruptions. Further, DPR is bound by its General Plan with respect to Burney Falls and must conduct a CEQA review for any activities which deviate from the approved plan. Rhyolite volcanic ash buried other streams during the Oligocene forming tuff that early miners need to dig through to get at placer gold, and many old buildings in the region are made of blocks of tuff. Includes Shumuray Ranch Basalt and Antelope Flat Basalt of Kittleman and others (1965), Grassy Mountain Basalt of Corcoran and others (1962), Drinkwater Basalt of Bowen and others (1963), basalt formerly assigned to Danforth Formation by Piper and others (1939) (see Walker, 1979), Hayes Butte Basalt of Hampton (1964), Pliocene and upper Miocene basalt flows capping and interstratified with the Madras (or Deschutes) Formation, and basalt flows interstratified in the Dalles Formation of Newcomb (1966; 1969). Numerous lakes, reservoirs and marshes characterize the East Cascades, providing exceptional habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds and wading birds, aquatic mammals, amphibians, fish, aquatic plants and invertebrates. These soils formed in basins from fine-textured alluvium from extrusive and basic igneous rock. Groundwater-Quality Data in the Cascade Range and Modoc Plateau - USGS Modoc National Forest - PeakVisor Tribes are active participants in discussions about natural resources management and conservation activities within their usual and accustomed areas. The services DOC provides are designed to balance today's needs with tomorrow's obligations by fostering the wise use and conservation of energy, land and mineral resources. They have a low hazard from water and wind erosion when exposed. MODOC PLATEAU The Modoc Plateau is a volcanic table land (elevation 4,000- 6,000 feet above sea level) consisting of a thick accumulation of lava ows and tu beds along with many small volcanic cones. the structural geology and tectonics of mid-ocean ridges and Icelandin 2011. The color geologic road maps, based on the 2010 Geologic Map of California, are detailed and easy to read. The Peninsular Ranges were never glaciated during the Pleistocene. Occasional lakes, marshes, and sluggishly owing streams meander across the plateau. However, a bulge in the bay's sand spit records offshore presence of the Newport submarine canyon. Polygons from the 1978 State map unit Qp were added where no playa was shown on the county maps. The Santa Monica Mountains and the Channel Islands are different than the mountains to the north because they have granitic and metamorphic basement rocks more like the Sierra Nevada. Undivided Tertiary sandstone, shale, conglomerate, breccia, and ancient lake deposits. Modoc National Forest 800 West 12th Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-5811 Warner Mountain Ranger District PO Box 220 Cedarville, CA 96104 (530) 279-6116 Camping Warren Peak and Patterson Lake The nearest campground is available at Pepperdine Camp, near the trailhead. These rocks date to the Cretaceous, with a lower sequence of conglomerate overlain by sandstone and shale, with huge ammonite fossils. May include some rocks of middle Miocene age in the area west and northwest of Lakeview. The McArthur Swamp and the Glenburn Dredge Site are located within the same regional geographical area and geomorphic province as the McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial Park. The low shield shape, central caldera, and dominance ofmaficlavas are similar to Newberry Volcano of central Oregon, also located in anextensionaltectonicenvironment east of the Cascade arc axis. Up to 10,000 feet of sandstone and red shale deposited during the Eocene, after which sea levels dropped in the Oligocene preserved the sand, gravel and silt of the Sespe Formation. These flyers, referred to as Geo Gems Notes, address individual parks and describe the geological features they support, explain the geological processes demonstrated by the landforms at the site and their significance, and indicate where to find the sites in each park unit. [8], The Modoc Plateau is an undulating expanse of Miocene to Holocene basalt law flows at the southwest edge of the Columbia Plateau, covering 10,000 square miles. In the northeastern corner of California, lies a massive volcanic plain known as the Modoc Plateau. Basalt is aphyric to moderately porphyritic with phenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine and exhibits both subophitic and diktytaxitic textures. Potassium-argon ages on rocks in unit from southeast Oregon range from about 13 to 16 Ma; lenses of interbedded tuffaceous sedimentary rocks locally contain a Miocene (Barstovian) vertebrate fauna, Plugs and domal complexes of rhyolitic, rhyodacitic, and dacitic composition; includes related near-vent flows, flow breccia, and deposits of obsidian, perlite, and pumice. Modoc Plateau - Wikipedia Therefore, aside from naturally occurring erosional processes, no impact is anticipated. [2] The plateau is thought to have been formed approximately 25 million years ago as a southern extension of the Columbia Plateau flood basalts. During the Pleistocene, the mountains had a large number of glaciers and cirques and glacially-carved U-shaped valleys are remaining features from that time period. Unconsolidated to semiconsolidated lacustrine clay, silt, sand, and gravel; in places includes mudflow and fluvial deposits and discontinuous layers of peat. Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California|Paperback The bulk of the plateau is composed of ancient lava flows and volcanic tuff dating back between 10 and 2 million years ago during the Tertiary period. As discussed in Section1.0, Project Description, no development is proposed that would eventually be utilized for human occupancy. California was the first place in the US to develop offshore oil drilling in the Summerland field, first found in 1896. In addition to the web viewer, the GIS data can be downloaded for further use. [18]. 896, p. 1018-1019). Soils of the Pittville Sandy Loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes mapping unit occur at the southern fringe of the site. They are shallow, moderately well drained soils with slow permeability and have a high shrink-swell potential (see TableVI-1). To determine the nature of the differences between northern and southern Arizona, geologists could: map the geology in detail, take seismic profiles, study drill core, and reconstruct the geologic history between each province. Gassaway soils have a Capability Class rating of VIII and are not considered Prime Farmland. These mapped faults include the McArthur, Mayfield, Pittville, Hat Creek, and Rocky Ledge faults; whereby the McArthur fault trends northwesterly through the site between Big Lake and Horr Pond (CDMG, 1994). California Geology Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet The Fall River Watershed lies within the volcanic terrain of the Modoc Plateau geomorphic province, and is the largest sub-drainage in the middle reach of the Pit River. Andesite and dacite typically have plagioclase, hornblende, and clinopyroxene phenocrysts; some flows aphyric. The federally-listed Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus), and shortnose sucker (Chasmistes brevirostris), bull trout, and salmon stocks drive many of the conservation activities in the ecoregion. The Peninsular Ranges are a group of mountain ranges that extend 900 miles (1,400km) from the Los Angeles basin and Transverse Ranges southward the entire length of Baja California. California's Amazing Geology - Donald R. Prothero - 9781498707954 Geologic guide to the Modoc Plateau and the Warner Mountains : annual At mid elevations, there are areas of Douglas-fir and grand fir (Abies grandis) forests to the north, and white fir and Douglas-fir forests to the south. Initially, hydraulic mining was used to get at placer deposits, but it destroyed the landscape and choked rivers with sediments, ultimately being banned the California government in 1884. California has some of the most distinctive and unique geology in the United States. In addition to gold, platinum is sometimes found with gold placers. As indicated by Special Publication 42, Fault-Rupture Zones in California, each of the transfer properties are located in areas with delineated fault-rupture zones. Official websites use .gov Unique geology in the region formed bastnaesite mined at the Mountain Pass rare earth mine. CWU PANGA - Western US - Station Clusters - Central Washington University The ecoregion includes a large pumice zone in central Oregon, dominated by lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), one of the very few places where the species is the climax tree (not replaced by other conifers if fire is suppressed). Glacial till and moraines. Recent lava flows comprise approximately 60 percent of this complex and are characterized by sharp, jagged, broken blocks piled in tumbled heaps and have many crevices, sinkholes, and collapsed lava tubes. These include the Britton Silt Loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes and Burney-Arkright Complex, two to nine percent slopes mapping units. As indicated by PG&E in their PEA, wetland construction work will be completed under a USACOE Nationwide No. Non-seismic hazards addressed in the document include volcanoes, erosion, and expansive soils. They have a Capability Class rating of IV and are not considered to be Prime Farmland (NRCS, 2000). Major Pierson Reading found gold in 1848 in the Trinity River near Douglas City. Oil was first extracted in 1850 from the Pico Canyon field, close to Newhall with larger-scale production by 1875. US 97: Weed-Oregon 294. The water erosion hazard on these soils is low, while the wind erosion hazard is moderate, due to the high percentage of silt (refer to TableVI-1). Typical rock formations in the area include volcanic breccia, mud and ash flows, lava flows, lacustrine (lake) deposits, and cinder cone pyroclastic rocks. Condado de Modoc, California, Estados Unidos The northeastern-most county in California with a total area of 4,203.37 square miles, but with a population under 10,000. The Modoc Plateau lies in the northeast corner of California as well as parts of Oregon and Nevada. In spite of low rainfall, the numerous lava tubes and volcanic fractures in the plateau produce the Fall River Springs, one of the largest springs in the US. Simultaneously island arcs and small sections of continental crust rafted onto the edge of North America, building out the continent. Warren Peak : Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost Pahoehoe vs. aa lavas. The Santa Ynez Mountains extend up the coast of Santa Barbara County and contain Franciscan basement rocks (also referred to as the Franciscan basement complex) like the Coast Ranges. . The rocks of eastern California formed a shallow continental shelf, with massive deposition of limestone during the Paleozoic, and sediments from this time are common in the Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains and eastern Transverse Range. Course Description: Application of the principles of geology to interpret rock sequences and evaluate the potential for volcanic activity in the Cascades Range and Modoc Plateau region of Northern California. [10], At the edge of the Los Angeles coastal plain and just west of the San Joaquin Hills, Newport Bay is a major hub of boating. Flows like water in many cases. The plateau is thought to have been formed approximately 25 million years ago. Geological Gems of State Parks As with its flora, this diversity arises as a result of topography, unique climate, geology, and ecological isolation. It is the only state with all three types of plate boundaries, an extraordinary history of earthquakes and volcanoes, and it has many rocks and minerals found nowhere else. The plateau is cut by many north-south faults. Consequently, these soils will continue to remain submerged on an annual basis. The Modoc Plateau is located in the northeastern corner of the state, framed by and including the Warner Mountains and Surprise Valley along the Nevada border to the east and west to the edge of the southern Cascades Range. The plateaus block faulting is believed to be related to Basin and Range faulting in a terrain immersed by volcanic rocks (CDMG, 1966). The River | Fall River Conservancy Therefore, the volcano may be even larger than the estimated 600 km3(143 mi3, already the largest volcano by volume in the Cascade Range. The County Environmental Health Department would act as the monitoring body to ensure compliance with the permit. Geologic Guide to the Modoc Plateau and the Warner Mountains Listed on Feb 28, 2023 Construction workers needed to build dikes to protect a power plant and jack up bridges. Modoc Plateau. Columbia River / Modoc Plateau basalt. [4]. The Franciscan subduction complex makes up the basement rock for part of the range, with a mlange dominated by graywacke first deposited in offshore deep ocean basins. Drew earned a PhD. Geologic guide to the Modoc Plateau and the Warner Mountains : annual field trip guidebook of the Geological Society of Sacramento, 1980. Very hot and fluid, but low in volatile content. Geologic Regions of Georgia - New Georgia Encyclopedia Fountains. The soils are moderately to strongly alkaline and have a very high shrink-swell potential (refer to TableVI-1). The Colorado Plateau Map And Guide To Public Lands On The Colorado These soils formed on stream terraces from alluvium derived from extrusive igneous rocks. The Warner Basalt is the most common rock in the plateau, bordered by the Surprise Valley fault zone that first became active in the Miocene 15 million years ago. Large mammals are emblematic of the ecoregion, which supports populations of elk, blacktail deer, mule deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lions, and black bears. Soils at the property have been mapped as the Pit Silty Clay, Drained, 0 to 2 percent slopes mapping unit. Thick Miocene sediments formed in narrow seaways from the Pacific. These soils are also basin soils and formed from alluvium derived from extrusive igneous rock. It is composed of layers of volcanic flows and periodic volcanic uplifts. Since the active McArthur fault traverses the site, any displacement along this segment of the fault could result in potential fault rupture at the surface. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California (paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Significant regions of this sparsely populated county include the Modoc Plateau, Great Basin, Cascade Range and Warner Mountains. During the Jurassic, many sediments shed into the region from the rising proto-Sierra Nevada. The soils have a Capability Class rating of IV and are not considered Prime Farmland. Policy SG-e - When soil tests reveal the presence of expansive soils, engineering design measures designed to eliminate or mitigate their impacts shall be employed. Its landform is volcanic table land ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level, cut by many northsouth faults. Source: US geologic names lexicon (USGS Bull. In places contains mollusks or vertebrate fossils indicating Pleistocene age; mostly deposits of late Pleistocene age, but locally includes some deposits of early Holocene age. Also includes isolated masses of dacitic and rhyodacitic flows, breccia, and ash-flow tuff along eastern slope of Cascade Range that are lapped by flows and sediments of the Madras (or Deschutes) Formation. The Modoc Plateau is part of the larger Columbia Plateau which extends into eastern Oregon and Washington, southern Idaho, northern Nevada and western Wyoming. Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) woodlands occupy lower elevations near the Columbia River in the central portion of the ecoregion and also the western parts of the Modoc and Upper Klamath Basin sections in the south. In places includes flows of platy olivine andesite or basaltic andesite. Bull trout occur within the ecoregion but their range has been significantly reduced. Precipitation also changes significantly from north to south, with annual rainfall below 12 inches per year in portions of the Modoc Plateau in California. The McArthur Swamp, Bowman Ditch, and the Ahjumawi Property are located within or adjacent to the McArthur Fault-Rupture Zone. In all, 20 oil fields are located in the Santa Barbara Channel, with one of the largestthe Dos Cuadras fieldfound in 1968, although a major spill on January 18, 1969, hampered interest in the field. This mapping unit is typically found at the base of toe slopes where alluvium from basalt has been deposited. In some places, ophiolite sequences preserve remnant oceanic crust rock on land, while other parts of the range are intruded with ultrabasic igneous rocks that have serpentinized to peridotite. PDF 5.7 GEOLOGY, SOILS, AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES - California

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